Sunday, January 17, 2010

I hate blogs.

So let me recap the first day of W.A.S.H, Newspapers and Cinder blocks. Well sounds like a Destination Imagination project from my youth. A tower Three feet, and able to withstand the force of a 40 pound or so cinder block. All of this to save the unfortunate astronauts who were lacking in some sorta rocket booster needed to get back to earth. Maybe I am devoid of any sympathetic altruistic streak because the first thought I had was "sucks for them".

But to the tower itself with the excuses of lack of resources, time, and education of engineering, I tried to accomplish something learning, and watching my own environment to grasp the lovely concept of a newspaper tower. Knowing from the start that I did not have enough paper to make the height requirement, I tried to understand how I alone was going to make this happen, I do not like to give up even if the task seems impossible. I picked one sturdiness over height, and saw that joining other groups was going to be a necessary tactic, one I believed to be cut off from option. To get to the point the base of the tower was not stable enough and in turn collapsed. Obvious result to me. The truth however which I saw quickly was not the tower itself but the thought process that lead to its birth. It is these abilities of quick logic to solve problems that is needed anywhere, even in art where some are lead to believe its just the misguided strokes of a brush.

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