Monday, January 18, 2010

"Give Me Personal Space" a lesson in Proximity

So the first of this dot series is on Proximity, or in this case the location of an objects in relation to one another. I personally like this topic the best. In my opinion it allows for the most interesting composition in comparison to the other topics, maybe because in all good work the placement of certain objects is key, and determines where the viewers eye is going to move. In the one to the left I wanted to experiment with different dot shapes but focus more on the placement of them next to one another. It is decent they all seem to be in the center so that doesn't create to much drama, or not enough in my opinion, but it was one of the better ones mostly due to the dot size and not placement. The one to the right seems to be similar in style to the one above except this time I focused more on placement other than dot shape keeping them all in the medium range in size. I however like dynamic size change so I find this one more boring than the one above even though I believe it stays true to the proximity task better. The next one is my personal favorite it seems simple enough yet dramatic in the size and I wanted to achieve proximity with larger size dots, but given the 6'x6' square thats near if not impossible. I think with this one however explaining the proximity of something that doesn't even allow proximity was the goal. Almost contradicting itself with its size. Maybe like a huge ball in a box barely large enough to contain it.The last I believe might be the most successful at visually describing proximty. I thought at first the negative space to the right might have something to do with it. Quite honestly I cannot explain it to well, but what I can say is that I find it very powerful. Do you agree?

note ~ unfortunately the quality of lighting in my dormitory and camera are not all that great I apologize.

1 comment:

  1. nice commentary and opportunity to see into your brain a bit. thanks. this kind of dialog is exactly what i was hoping for...

    can you get your other three categories of images posted as well please. thanks. kk
