Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Aerodynamics and Silicon"- Inflatopia

A dream conspired and conjured up to destroy what little bit of sanity I had left, and mind you I never had much to begin with.

here is our final logo that for my group which consist of Cheryl, Ellen, Kiara, and Nick

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Imaginations Idealized, Fears Realized- The final Self Portrait

These are the final pictures of my Self Portrait. It is pretty different than the proposal, but as I was working on the wire sculptures I realized I loved them more and felt that they represented me well, and then incorporated the swirls from before. The manikin was an add on that I wasn't sure If it helped or hurt the piece, but it did happen to give it more meaning to me personally. Overall I could write and over explain everything but that defeats the purpose of art sometimes. I did feel however that I did not get my message across as well to the viewer as it was in my head, well not as well as the girl with the glass studded cupcake. It looked so delicious.

"Charlatans With Inflated Perceptions"- The first of the logos

The start of the Inflatopia project logos...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Grim Confections"- Color and Texture examples

Here are some of the color/textures I have been working on.

This isn't obviously all them but, I put time and care into making each one. On average it takes about 5 minutes to do one, so that is more or less. I don't like working like a lab rat in a room with 48 other people crammed into a room. If I wanted that I should have been a business major, planning a future as a corporate drone. Well enough of this, I need more spray paint.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Before Electric Light"- I should probabbly update something?

Spring Break is almost coming to an end and I have been putting off this crap for as long as I can... I guess I can show some pictures of my "self portrait" I have been working on.

It actually looks pretty different than my original idea. I realized I liked my wire sculptures more and that the more I worked on it the more it felt like me. I don't feel like talking about it much because I feel that I never get what across my point as well as I can verbally ever, people just don't seem to get it when I do. So decide for yourselves. I feel like Andy Warhol and Velvet Underground with the feeling of nihilism about my work, except its not a persona I am trying to play... I just really don't give a s#*t anymore.